Sunday, September 16, 2007

American Gladiator NYC Tryouts

Yesterday I accompanied a friend to tryouts for NBC's upcoming revival of American Gladiator. I think these pictures tell the story better than I can:

Number 26!


Some of the competition (or a plant?) being interviewed for Best Week Ever.

This man is enormous. If he does not make it on the show, there is no hope for anyone.

Number 26 running back to her adoring fans after finishing the tryout.


Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Bad Dog!

I'm on vacation. Yesterday I received an email from my mother -- who is caring for my dog while I'm away -- saying that my darling little dog devoured 3/4 of a lemon pound cake and six (6!!!!) cupcakes in the span of 10-15 minutes when nobody was home. BAD DOG.

Below is my artistic rendering of the carnage: