Thursday, February 16, 2006

Everybody's Favorite Surgical Interns and Reality

I'm fascinated by Grey's Anatomy. Really, I am. This is partly because the show takes place in Seattle, partly because of the witty writing, but mostly because of the surgeons.

Like so many people in this world, I am enchanted by doctors, police officers, fire fighters, EMTs, and really anyone else capable of saving me from certain death. I affectionately call it the "rescuers complex." It's a thrilling concept, that the one person you are sharing your most intimate moments with is also the one person who, in a grave emergency, could save your life. The beautiful twenty-somethings in Grey's Anatomy only add to these little reveries... Thank you, ABC.


yimfay said...

i am very much enamored with the show. i actually think i'm too involved in the story line....

oonams said...

and I'm a new convert...those last two episodes were intense! gotta watch it every week now ;-) and yes, seattle is cool...gotta add that in wherever possible.